Craftsmanship is among those area of expertise that contributed to making Italy great: this country, in fact, always held a deep connection with creative manual skills, art, and beauty. “Making things by hand” takes us back to ancient times, to those people that have taught us so many things, which nowadays are slowly being forgotten, due to technology’s ever-increasing advancements. Luckily enough, however, there are still those who do not give up on creating excellent products in the old ways: this is the case for Manufactus, an Italian company specialising in the creation of handmade journals. The head office is based in Rome, but we have many branches in different parts of Italy!

Handmade Journals: their origin

The term ‘notebook’ (in Italian, ‘taccuino’) derives from the Arabic taquîm, which can be translated as “ordered arrangement”. During the 14th and 15th centuries, notebooks were handmade, by combining the bound sheets together. Handmade journals were so fundamental to organise information that the technique to produce them was even taught to children in school.

The oldest known pocket diary dates back to 1804, when explorers Lewis and Clark used one of them in a journey. After a while, in 1860, the notebook appeared in France and Germany: it’s during this period that some decorations, inspired by ancient China and Japan traditions, began to be applied on them.

Many patents were created in the 1900s, especially in England. And in Italy? Surely, some of you know about the legendary Moleskine! Notably, the widespread use of notebooks in our country can be traced back to the establishment of that company, founded in 1997 in Milan. 

What a journal is for and how it can be customised

A journal can be used for various purposes: to jot down notes, as a simple writing support, as a sketchbook or a drawing book, for a literary or artistic collection, and an as exercise book for school.

The binding and cover can be customised with prints and images, depending on the type of materials employed (leather, paper, and so on). 

Handmade journal crafted in Rome: Manufactus by Luca Natalizia

As regards customising handmade journals, we cannot fail to mention Manufactus, a historic brand, based in Rome, that managed to let ancient Italian craftsmanship, that is employed in the production of particular and refined objects, be known on a global scale.

Manufactus notebooks are characterised by the constant pursuit of a style recalling fashion and tastes typical of the past centuries, but with a modern touch. The materials used are leather and hide, which are skilfully treated, in order to respect their inherent and aesthetic features.

If you want to learn more about the handmade notebooks crafted in Rome by Manufactus, you can visit our website, or visit us at the following stores.

Being able to appreciate first-hand the beauty of these products is priceless, thus we highly recommend you visit our stores soon! If you reside abroad or just too far away, feel free to visit our online shop and purchase our products completely safely.

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